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Fiche du jeu Dementium - The Ward sur Nintendo DS
Titres alternatifs : Dementium - Die Anstalt; Dementium - L'Asile
Année : 2009
Genre : Aventures
Franchise : Dementium

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Nom Poste
Gregg Hargrove Art Director
Jools Watsham Audio Effects
Ulysses Games Character Artist and Animator
Aaron Marroquin Character Artist and Animator
Gregg Hargove Character Artist and Animator
Noah Li Character Artist and Animator
Sean McIntosh Character Artist and Animator
Kevin Fung Character Artist and Animator
Bob Ives Engine and Tools Programming
Gregg Hargrove Environment Art
Jools Watsham Game and Level Design
Jools Watsham Game Director and Producer
Gregg Hargrove Interface Art and Design
Jools Watsham Interface Art and Design
Michael Veroni Interface Art and Design
Jools Watsham Music Composition
Gareth Vilday Music Composition
Bob Ives Technical Director